Course Information



Fall 2019 | ENG 211W
Kayla Shipp
Meeting Time and Place: Callaway N204, Tu | Th, 8:30-9:45 a.m.
Office Hours: Callaway N204, Tu | Th, 8:00-8:30 a.m. (and by appointment)

In “Lines and Design: The Poetry of Digital Culture” we will study the cultural impact of visual design through its relationship to poetry. We will explore key moments in visual culture, like the birth of museums in the 18th century and the transformation of storytelling with the advent of interactive digital pages in the early days of the web. The course will look at the ways visual design creates moments of human interaction with different media — from a picture on an artist’s canvas to a printed poem now on a digital screen. We will discuss what “media” even means by studying the lines that make up everything we see — from drawn lines in pictures and paintings, to written lines of digital code and poetry. We will explore how writing about anything requires first learning how to read these lines (and in between them).Students will complete creative projects and analytical essays, culminating in a portfolio of revised work. No previous experience with design is required or expected, as we will develop the critical vocabulary for analyzing design over the course of the semester. We will read and analyze poems (by authors like Emily Dickinson, Marianne Moore, Frances Watkins Harper, and Walt Whitman), examine artwork (by creators like Sally Mann, George Inness, and Auguste Rodin), and study visual theory (by thinkers like Paula Scher, John Berger, and Edward Tufte). Every text assigned will be freely available online or personally provided by the instructor.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course you will be able to:
– Identify key assumptions in visual artifacts (including art, film, poetry, and advertisements).
– Identify the way that design affects (and effects) what we see and read and how we interact with it.
– Stake claims based on concrete evidence, rather than subjective opinions.
– Practice writing as a process through drafting, editing + revision, and reflection.

**NOTE ON FOOD: We may be eating (vegetarian, often vegan) food periodically  in this class. If you have any serious food allergies, you must let me know in advance.



Attendance is essential. Aside from documented absences for school-related activities, you may miss 3 classes without incident. For every class you miss after the third, I’ll lower your overall course grade by one-third of a letter(example: from an A to an A-, from a B+ to a B). Meet with me if you feel your situation warrants an exception to this rule. Bring appropriate documentation to our meeting. Note: not showing up to a meeting we have scheduled will count as an absence.

Academic Integrity

The Honor Code is in effect throughout the semester. By taking this course, you affirm that it is a violation of the code to cheat on exams, to plagiarize, to deviate from the teacher’s instructions about collaboration on work that is submitted for grades, to give false information to a faculty member, and to undertake any other form of academic misconduct. You agree that the instructor is entitled to move you to another seat during examinations, without explanation. You also affirm that if you witness others violating the code you have a duty to report them to the honor council. I take plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty seriously. Should I suspect that you engage in academic dishonesty in this course, I will refer the case to Emory’s Honor Council. You may also receive an F on the assignment(s) in question.


Email is the best way to contact me if you have questions or concerns. Generally, I will respond to all student email within 24 hours (although on weekends and holidays, it may take a little longer). I will contact you by email throughout the course, so it is your responsibility to check your Emory-based email account at least once every 24 hours.

Late work

All assignments are due by the time and date specified. I will not accept late work without granting advance permission via email, and permission is not guaranteed. Late work will cause your grade for the assignment to decrease by one third of one letter for each 24-hour period the assignment is late, beginning at the time an assignment is due (example: from a B+ to a B). Meet with me if you feel your situation warrants an exception to this rule. Bring appropriate documentation to this meeting. With the exception of the final assignments, I will give one free 48-hour extension, if contacted at least 48 hours ahead of the due date.



15% Participation
10% Reading annotations
20% Projects
10% Personal essay
10% Final presentation
35% Portfolio of the following:
– Revised Personal Essay
– Revised Project #1 | Revised Project #2 | Revised Project #3 | Revised Project #4
– Reflection on revision process

Grading Scale

94.00-100.0 = A  = 4.0
90.00-93.99 = A- = 3.7
86.00-89.99 = B+ = 3.3
83.00-85.99 = B  = 3.0
80.00-82.99 = B- = 2.7
76.00-79.99 = C+ = 2.3
73.00-75.99 = C = 2.0
70.00-72.99 = C- = 1.7
66.00-69.99 = D+ = 1.3
60.00-65.99 = D = 1.0
00.00-59.99 = F = 0.0


Accessibility and Accommodations

I strive to create an inclusive learning environment for all. I am invested in your success in this class and at Emory, so please let me know if anything is standing in the way of your doing your best work. This can include your own learning strengths, any classroom dynamics that you find uncomfortable, ESL issues, disability or chronic illness, and/or personal issues that impact your work. I will hold such conversations in strict confidence.The Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) works with students who have disabilities to provide reasonable accommodations. In order to receive consideration for reasonable accommodations, you must contact OAS. It is the responsibility of the student to register with OAS. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive and that disability accommodations are not provided until an accommodation letter has been processed. Students registered with OAS who have a letter outlining their academic accommodations, are strongly encouraged to coordinate a meeting time with your professor that will be best for both to discuss a protocol to implement the accommodations as needed throughout the semester. This meeting should occur as early in the semester as possible. Contact the Office of Accessibility Services for more information at (404) 727-9877 or Additional information is available at the OAS website at

Writing Center and ESL Program

Tutors in the Emory Writing Center ( and the ESL Program ( are available to support Emory College students as they work on any type of writing assignment, at any stage of the composing process. Tutors can assist with a range of projects, from traditional papers and presentations to websites and other multimedia projects. Writing Center and ESL tutors take a similar approach as they work with students on concerns including idea development, structure, use of sources, grammar, and word choice. They do not proofread for students. Instead, they discuss strategies and resources students can use as they write, revise, and edit their own work. Students who are non-native speakers of English are welcome to visit either the Writing Center tutors or the ESL tutors. All other students in the college should see Writing Center tutors. Learn more and make an appointment by visiting the websites of the ESL Program and the Writing Center. Please review tutoring policies before your visit.

Emory Counseling Services

Free and confidential counseling services and support are available from the Emory Counseling Center (404) 727-7450. This can be an invaluable resource when stress makes your work more challenging than it ought to be.
