Write a 2-4 page essay (12-pt. Times New Roman or Arial font, double-spaced, 1-inch margins) responding to one of the following prompts. Put the identifying information at the top of your essay in one line only. Example: Student Name, Fall 2019, Personal Essay.
Note: I will return essays that are over four pages long for revision, and will deduct the same number of points as for a late assignment. If the paper is shorter than 2 pages, the highest grade possible is a B.
- – Prompt #1: Aliens have landed on Earth and you’ve been asked to choose three photographs (of you) to introduce yourself in the hopes of becoming a part of their new society. Describe each photo for a viewer, assuming they do not have access to the photographs. Which photographs do you choose, and why?
- – Prompt #2: Compare and contrast a photograph someone else took of you with a selfie you took of yourself. (The photos should be taken no more than one year apart). Describe each photo for a viewer, assuming they do not have access to the photographs. Which do you find to be a better (more accurate) portrayal and why? What do you learn about yourself by comparing the two?
- – Prompt #3: Describe an experience you had that was statistically unlikely, and an experience you had that confirmed data on the subject. Which experience did you prefer and why? Would access to more or less data have changed your experience and perception of it?
A: An “A” response effectively responds to the main question(s) of the prompt, supported by citing evidence. Each piece of evidence directly ties in to the attempt to respond to the prompt. The response demonstrates synthesis of the evidence to support a broader and deeper claim about the writer’s experience(s). The prose demonstrates excellent grammar organization with few errors.
B: A “B” response coherently responds to the main question(s) of the prompt, supported by citing evidence. Each piece of evidence directly ties in to the attempt to respond to the prompt. The response demonstrates an attempt at synthesis of the evidence to support a broader and deeper claim about the writer’s experience(s). The prose demonstrates good grammar and organization with a few errors.
C: A “C” response adequately responds to the main question(s) of the prompt, supported by citing evidence. Some of the evidence used may connect only tangentially to the prompt. The response demonstrates little attempt at synthesis of the evidence to support a broader and deeper claim about the writer’s experience(s). The prose demonstrates passable organization, and fair grammar with several errors.
D: A “D” response responds to the prompt only at a surface level. The evidence used does little to support the writer’s response. The prose demonstrates consistent weaknesses in writing, such as a lack of development or organization, grammatical problems, or a lack of control.
F: An “F” essay does not attempt to respond to the prompt. Displays little to no attention to organization and grammar.